Data Center infrastructure Study, design, construction, construction of data centers and computer rooms, security and protection, development of computer rooms resulting from know-how acquired since 2009.

The know-how and experience of our acquired employees and the dozens of cumulative achievements concerning the layout and protection of computer rooms and data centers allow us to provide users, within the framework of a lasting relationship and solid, recognized expertise.

In the context of operations of:

  • Turnkey (construction of data centers, development of computer rooms, server rooms, IT premises),
  • Engineering Missions (Audit, Consulting, Project Management Assistance, Design and/or Construction Project Management, Urbanization of computer rooms, security, air conditioning, etc.).

Realizations and works of VDI cabling.
Data center maintenance in terms of infrastructure and technical environment.
Alldatabs brings rigor, experience, consistency and solutions for computer room design, data center construction, computer room layout and data center maintenance.